CARE Community Movement

  • Compassion

    Recognizing the suffering of others and taking action to help.

  • Appreciation

    The recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone

  • Resilience

    The capacity to withstand and recover from adversity

  • Empowerment

    A multi-dimensional social process that helps people gain control over their own lives

What is CARE?

Compassion. Appreciation. Resilience. Empowerment

Like you, we believe children are our greatest assets. That is why our goal is to equip all Snohomish County communities with the tools to become trauma informed. Trauma Informed Communities (TIC) are crucial to the growth and well-being of our future.

In this pursuit, the Children’s Wellness Coalition has adopted guiding principles for our communities, organizations, and families.


Building relationships with others based on mutual respect and inclusion of all individuals. Promoting a safe, physical and emotional environment by understanding the brain science and ACEs of the individuals with whom we come in contact.

Trustworthiness & Transparency

Fostering positive relationships based on trust and honest among community members (staff, schools, family members, police, treatment providers, community service organizations.)

Peer Support

Identifying common concerns or issues of the community and engaging in collective problem solving. Recognizing and actively working towards solving the needs of every individual.

Collaboration and Mutuality

Recognizing the importance of all roles within the organization and developing involvement and opportunity for decision making. collaborating with community members, families, and organizations within Snohomish County to promote trauma informed care.

Empowerment, Voice and Choice

Recognizing the importance of all roles within the organization and developing involvement and opportunity for decision making. Collaborating with community members, families, and organizations within Snohomish County to promote trauma informed care.

Where is CARE?

This map includes local schools and organization who have become certified or are working toward certification in the CARE Training of Trainers program funded by Snohomish County Human Services. The participants are considered Trauma Informed CARE Champions and are dedicated to building a equitable, restorative and resilient community. Many champions included on this map have multiple locations throughout Snohomish County, the region, and even nationally. Please contact the schools or organizations directly for more information about their locations and services.

How to Navigate this map

Start by selecting a table to explore the various schools and organizations who have been certified as a CARE site. More information can be obtained by clicking the thumbnail.

Note: There may be other schools and organization in the community that are implementing Trauma Informed CARE practices. This map only includes those who have an Agreement for participating in the CARE designation.


Building resiliency by modeling compassion with each interaction. Providing the opportunity to promote recovery and ability to bounce back from trauma individuals, organizations and the community has experienced.

Cultural, Historical, Gender Awareness

Appreciating the differences and each individual’s unique experiences by practicing cultural competency. Implementing equity and inclusion practices.


Attending trainings and following through with requirements.

Continued Growth and Sustainability

continuing to be actively engaged in the community as a whole in promoting trauma informed practices reflected in the organizations overall business model and operations.

Trauma Informed Schools

While nearly 50 youth and family serving agencies across Snohomish County have earned or are working toward CARE site designation, the Snohomish County is also working with almost all of the school districts in the county implementing Trauma Informed Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (TI-MTSS).

Since 2016, schools have been applying to Snohomish County Human Services to receive a consultation grant to install a framework for tiered responses to student needs. This TI-MTSS framework partners school building with Continua Consulting to build capacity for implementing systemic and sustainable trauma informed principles and practices. Trauma Informed Schools learn to identify and implement:

  • Evidence-based strategies for effective supports to all students (Tier 1)

  • Evidence-based strategies for specialized and individualized interventions (Tier 3 & 3)

  • Data-driven practices for intervention at all 3 tiers to ensure fidelity to current implementation science, aligning proper interventions, and reducing false positive individualized education plans.

  • Social-Emotional Learning, Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation.